On 11/3/2023 12:37 AM, John Gotschall via KRnet wrote:

I have a kr2, and two sets of licensed planes with reciepts, one built, one not.


I have questioned since starting my project 33 years ago the legality of the clause / agreement  in the plans purchase receipt of "one set of plans, one airplane".  Who knows and how is it enforced?  If I crash and destroy my KR can I not use the plans to build a replacement?  If I purchased the plans second hand and I signed nothing can I be held to the agreement made by the original purchaser?  I've considered from the start that the "agreement" is really nothing more than a gentleman's handshake agreement and if purchased you'll not buy one set of plans and start a KR factory. I'm guessing  it's all an issue of conscience more than a legal issue.

Larry Flesner

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