Chris Lalancette wrote:
> Avi Kivity wrote:
>> Now it uses %rsi instead of %esi, and any junk in the upper bits will 
>> cause the ja to be taken.
>> We need to get a reduced testcase to the gcc folks, this is a serious 
>> bug.  Any changes in the code to work around this would be fragile.
> Avi,
>     I've now filed a bug in the upstream gcc database:
> And I came up with a reduced test case, available here:
> If I compile the code in the above and look at the disassembly, it shows the
> problem; however, I can't reproduce the bug by actually running the code.  I
> suspect the %rsi register is always 0 when we start in this userland code, so 
> I
> never run into the bogus ja, but I just thought I'd mention it.

Hmm, looking back at the dump:

>     1811:     8d 86 00 00 ff 3f       lea    0x3fff0000(%rsi),%eax
>     1817:     83 f8 03                cmp    $0x3,%eax
>     181a:     0f 87 e2 01 00 00       ja     1a02 <svm_set_msr+0x27f>

So while gcc is using %rsi, it loads the result back into %eax, which 
has the effect of dropping back into 32-bits.  So looks like gcc was 
right here.  Sorry for spreading confusion and apologies to gcc.

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