The translate-toolkit which I suppose is used in Pootle, is intelligent enough to migrate the content based on the combination of msgid and identifier (in msgcomment), but not intelligent to pass on the result as a 'sure thing', only as a fuzzy hit. You'd still have to go through the fuzzies manually and 'approve'. Still takes time but no big problem.

But when identifiers change, there is nothing sensible at all translate-toolkit might do, and you've got to work manually through lots of 'best guesses', re-translating, sort of.


On 11/06/2013 06:23 PM, Khaled Hosny wrote:
On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 02:10:15PM +0100, Andras Timar wrote:
Hi Sérgio,

On 2013.11.06. 1:11, Sérgio Marques wrote:
Hi Andras,

I´ve run "Update from templates" and now I have 205 words in sbasic
and 470 in shared. Is this ok?

These are to many changes from a brach that it is supposed to be freezed.

Well, we could have avoided re-translating the 470 words in shared,
because the translatable strings have not changed, only identifiers.
That's a pity. If only Pootle were more intelligent, and distinguished
tags from text...

Can you elaborate on this issue?

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