On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Also, Polish translation is periodically changed without our knowledge
> > and consent. Last time I remember someone has superseded all "Liczba"
> > with "Ilość" (first one is for countable, second for uncountable; it's
> > like changing "many" to "much" in English). There were some releases
> > that embarrass Polish translation team before we have learned about this
> > change.
> I believe you but I don't know how that can happen. I understand it's
> really frustrating and that should never happen again. Please tell here
> if you see some strings changed again, we should seriously investigate
> this.

​That's probably Pootle. It can grandiosely ​screw up on merges/updates,
especially when strings with alternative translations are involved. This
and the fact that it "forgets" translations because it has pretty much
nonexistent fuzzy matching is the main reason I keep a local SVN repository
of all Pootle project I work on. Diffing PO files is a pain, but still
better than having broken translations and having to repeatedly retranslate
something I already translated.
It's still possible this wasn't the case of course. Newer versions of
Pootle include a timeline function, that shows who and how changed the
string. If it doesn't contain a corresponding entry, it's Pootle to blame,
if it does, well, you can lynch the guilty individual to your heart's

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