Hello Olivier,

I'm not currently planning to change any of the translations of function names, for the reasons you mention. Just making sure it's possible in case there's a serious mistake that needs to be corrected.


Olivier Hallot kirjoitti 30.9.2022 16:50:
Hi Tuomas

Brazilian Portuguese translated all Calc functions names with their
similar names from MS Excel.

For the good and for the bad. Some Excel functions names were poorly
translated but we decided to keep the bad translation to avoid noise
and rant from end users.


Em 28/09/2022 10:01, Tuomas Hietala escreveu:
I'm also interested in hearing what's the situation with regard to other kinds of keywords, such as function names in Calc.

Best regards,

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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