Here is my list:

  * Update bundled redland / rasqal / raptor to fix a CVE.  This is
    currently in progress.  The FreeBSD port has been using the system
    versions of the latest and greatest.

  * Updated bundled serf to fix a CVE and a WebDAV issue.  The FreeBSD
    port has been using the system version of the latest and greatest.

  * [low priority] Update bundled vigra.  This version is no longer
    available upstream.  It is used by the basebmp module, but I don't
    know what it is used for or how to test it.  I believe only the
    headers are used.  The FreeBSD port uses the latest and greatest
    version and I haven't heard of any problems.

  * [low priority] Updated bundled CoinMP.  There has been an API
    change, which prevents the FreeBSD port from using the system
    version.  Difficulty unknown ...

  * Fix the easy to fix compiler warnings.  In the case of unused
    private class member variables, deleting them would cause an ABI
    change because the object size would shrink.  If that is a problem
    the alternate would be to mark them unused.  I think there are only
    a small number of these, but they get reported many times.

  * Handle the Wiki Publisher and PDF Import extensions as integrated
    I've done some work on this in the FreeBSD port, but I haven't
    tackled the installer part for other platforms.

  * Fix a problem that I stumbled across involving extensions that can
    cause an infinite crash / recover loop.  I think I can generate an
    alert when I detect the problem.  I'm not sure if I can use an
    existing alert message or will need a new one.  If the latter, then
    there will be some translation work required.

  * Give network connection failures a more informative error message.
    I stumbled across this when tracking down a problem that was
    confined to FreeBSD.

Someone should fix the broken spellcheck problem.  It generates a lot of
complaints from our users.

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