At 11:53 AM 11/2/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>My SIL is manager of small department store in US chain, and she 
>remarked in passing that "given a choice of going around something to 
>the left or right, people tend to go right".  Thinking about this, I 
>wonder if it is related to handedness, or the fact that in this country 
>we drive on the right side of the road.
>Any thoughts on this?

It's beat into our heads from the time we can walk -- stay to the right.
Walking in a crowded hallway, up a stairway, touring a museum, etc etc --
we are constantly told "Keep to the right".  It's the polite way to progress
in a busy situation.

It's probably a result of the same process that determined the road 
etiquette, rather than being a result of road rules.  Just a thought, not
confirmed history. <G>

Happy lacing,

Alice in Oregon - Cold, freezing weather has come.  Summer is gone.
Oregon Country Lacemakers          
Arachne Secret Pal Administrator          
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