I went to the University and recieved a degree in Psychlogy....while there I
was used (many times as psych students are) as a guinea pig for the students
going for their PhDs.  One such student was studying brain wave patterns in
learning..... She hooked me up to an e.e.g and set me to taking a brief
computer test.....  After I was done and she had rambled off to collate the
results, she came back grumbling at me.  It seems that I am such a left
dominate person (left handed, left eyed, left footed...) that my brain waves
(being very strongly right sided) are actually reversed from nearly 97% of
the population.  It seems that even most left handers are still mostly left
brain dominate.  So......you can have people that write with their right
hand but have left eyes that are the dominate one....or their left
foot....or even people like my husband who are completely abidexterous to
the point where you can't really tell which hand wrote his name....
Me on the other "hand" *VBG* I cannot even drive an American stick
shift....I can't even hold a fork properly with my right hand....God forbid
I ever break my left one!!  At least the people who are totally left brained
dominate don't have to worry so much about walking into doors and playing
baseball! *Sigh*!
I'll keep steering to the left while walking, but it is a good thing that I
am well trained with driving....
Fairbanks Alaska

| Handedness has everything to do with which direction you will go if you
| without visual clues to guide you. All right handed/right footed people go
| to the right and travel in a clockwise circle. Lefties (that includes left
| footed right handers...like my son hee hee) will lead with their left foot
| and go to the left and travel in a counter clockwise circle. I My son is
what is normally
| referred to as ambidexterous but he is definitely left footed. He always
| kicks and starts walking leading with his left foot.

| Cearbhael

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