Weronika werote:
>...Similar problem with tips - if you're *supposed* to give a 15% tip to
>all sorts of people (and I just keep learning additions to the list of
>tipped workers - I never tipped pizza delivery guys until someone told
>me I should a couple of months ago), then why can't they just put it in
>the price and save us the annoyance?  Besides, in restaurants I'd really 
>much rather being able to tip the cook, whose work quality I care about,
>than the waiter...

I had an embarrassment problem when I first arrived in Australia. In
France, tipping is a way of life (waiters don't get paid, in some cafes
and restaurants, they exist on the tips), and, of course, at 21, I was
still a bit wobbly on what to pay when, then I arrived in Australia, where
tipping is an insult! My tips were refused with great vigour and bad
At least it was in 1969, when I came here. I think since we've had so many
Amreican tourists passing through, and so many Australians have gone
overseas to work, that tipping is another American bad habit we are
catching! Like Weronika, I'd rather tip the cook after a good meal! I do
tip the waiter/tress if they have provided extra service, but otherwise
no. After all, I spend my time running around in a public library looking
for things for people, and they never tip me for doing my job, so why
should I tip a waiter, hairdresser or taxi driver (who half of the time
doesn't even handle the luggage for us!)
I think there is a whole education programme that needs to be undertaken
there by nations who tip! You pay people decent wages, you don't rely on
them begging, because that's what it is, really.

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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