Dear Secret Pal in Italy,

I received your parcel this week. You sent it registered post (thank you,
but you don't really need to, the Australian Post Office is very reliable,
they just like to know what's in the parcel at the moment because of
terrorism measures), so I had to wait 3 days before I had a morning free
from work, because I had to pick it up at the post office.

But it was well worth the wait! Thank you so much for the lovely towel,
even if you didn't embroider it yourself :-). Actually, there is lots of
room left on the Aida band next to the duck, so I might add my own ducks
to this one!!Next year...
I love the pair of Italian bobbins, they are bigger than the English ones
we use, but they are very elegant. Thank you, they will be great for my
collection, and I do use them, from time to time. These will be good when
I have a thick gimp to work, or a very long length of thread.
I also like the thread. The more choice, the better! I'm putting it
carefully in my thread box until I think of something.
It's very exciting to think you will be in Adelaide!! I know we are not
supposed to know who our secret pal is until November, but I do hope you
will make yourself known to me!!!It would be terrible to know I have been
to the same conference as my secret pal and didn't meet her!! I will
arrive only on Wednesday evening, but I will be there until Sunday
morning. Of course, if you come to Melbourne, you will let me know, won't
you, and come and spend one or 2 nights with us if you can? 
Looking forward to meeting you in person,
Your not secret pal,

helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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