On Aug 10, 2005, at 15:21, susan wrote:

has any one ever seen those little sparkly designs they put on long fingernails? they sell them everywhere. i was thinking of using them to decorate some bobbins. there are also those temporary tattoos that might be good. i wonder if they would be permenant if they where varnished over? they should be.

Since I can't draw, much lesss paint, never mind paint in miniature... I've used all kinds of "applied art" on my bobbins (my bobbinmaker says he can't paint either <g>), including some of the fingernail decorations and temporary tattoos as well as old-fashioned decals. I've never used varnish on them, being afraid they might dissolve or distort. So, on the fingernail things I used clear fingernail polish and on the tattoos plain, clear-drying glue. The glue-covered tattoos haven't worked all that well, but the fingernail ones did - they seem to be permanently stuck and protected. I think, if I were to use the tattoo ones again, I'd try the decoupage glue (or whatever it is they use for decoupage) and see if it works any better.

Two things you might consider when applying those do-dads to bobbins:
1) how transparent they are. If very, they may not show up well against some colours of the wood. Blocks of solid colours show off better. 2) how thick/3-D they are. If very, they'll either require many applications of whatever medium you're using to keep them stuck (to make them completely covered), or else they'll poke above the covering medium and eventually get dislodged.

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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