Dear Secret Pal in New Zealand,

I was very excited when I got your parcel today. I thought I was going to the
post office to pick up a parcel from my DD1 in the US and instead the parcel
was from New Zealand.

Firstly thank you for your encouraging note. It was very positive,
Unfortunately this situation must come up from time to time. Thankyou for
coming on board.

The little bear was sooooo cute and I am going to have to hide it from DD2 who
has earmarked it.  We also loved the oven mitt puppet, it's little ears
sticking up are gorgeous. Did you make it, we thought you did. I will have a
bath later and scrubby mitt my legs, very handy. The calendar will be
fantastic and I will be able to remember you all next year when I look up the

I am not a prolific lace maker but I will have to get the lace out now so as
to use the beautiful bobbins. I like to have bobbins of different woods.
And I am hiding the note pad so my family doesn't take off with it to write
insignificant notes on.

Cheers, your pal, Yvonne.

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