On 2/26/09 1:47 PM, Clay Blackwell wrote:

Well, I'm in Virginia, . . . . Last year, she was hit no fewer than three times!!!

Does Virginia allow the driver to keep the venison? I have been told that Indiana keeps a list of hard-up people who know how to dress a deer, and gives one of them the deer when the driver doesn't want it. By good fortune, I've never checked this out. We did hit a deer once, in New York State, but all we found was a sitzmark next to a chain-link fence. We figured that a deer who got out of there without leaving tracks on this side of the fence couldn't have been injured too badly -- we were going slow when it jumped into us, because Dave had started braking when he saw the first deer cross the road.

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where I'm wondering whether Thunderbird will delete all my paragraph breaks again.
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