Dear friends,

After telling you all, of our lovely visitors from Australia, (I went
away for a few days) and yesterday catching up with my mail, I received
several replies, some saying of their 'get to gether's' via Arachne, and
some saying they are new to the list, so obviously were not aware of how
this came about, or was there a list etc;

It is very simple to arrange, if anyone is travelling anywhere, same
country or o/seas, just mention it on Arachne, and ask if anyone has a
bed to offer please, or is there a lace group that could arrange a get
together, and like magic it happens, well something like that, through
E-mails and phone calls and lovely laceyneedle people become friends.

Thank you to those lovely kind friendly people, who have offered us a
bed and warm friendship if we travel, I shall keep your contact E-mails
safe till then,


Pauline Norris
 In a glorious hot sunny Somerset, S.W. England.

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