Well, after 20 years or so, there has been a new twist to that story, and it
appears she was found - in a dingo's mouth, but as the 4 guys were illegally
shooting in a National Park and shot the dingo, the were afraid to come
clean, and so the baby's body was taken by one of the guys and buried -
possibly here in Melbourne. I think 3 of the guys are now dead, and the
last one has fessed up before he, too, passes on! Northern Territory Police
are "talking " to him!

Not bad your story, I am still laughing. But for my lost objects it is much easier. We have a little somewhat which needs from time to time a coin or a key, for what ever, or something else. So it could happen when I arrive at the busstop some money is missing and such things. But we all know lost books from all of us, met somewhere but where?

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