On 3/2/06, Sue Babbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Anne
> welcome to Arachne. You'll find we are a bunch of very friendly people who
> love to help! Many of us are also into a variety of other crafts as well as
> various forms of lacemaking.

Thanks for the welcome :)

> As a cat lover probably the most important rule, is never to leave your
> bobbin lace pillow without a cover cloth on it! (snip) It reduces the tangles 
> and snapped threads when the cat uses
> the pillow as a launch pad.

Thanks for the tips - with the little "helpers" I have, I would hate
to think of the new design elements they would add to any project,

> I am not sure whether you have got as far as buying lace pillow and bobbins,
> finding a teacher or a beginner's book. Can you be a bit more precise about
> your needs so that we can answer the right questions?

Well, basically, I have renewed my interest in learning by joining
this group.... Don't know where to find the pillow or bobbins, (should
note here:  I CANNOT order online...at least not from most websites. 
Very few that I can - have to use money orders.....)  As for teachers
- can't afford classes.  No extra money in the budget for that at
all.....  And our library is well stocked with books on bobbin lace,
I've discovered - some 20 titles, if I recall, a lot of great beginner
books.  I'm working my way through the list... :)

> I see from your cat blog that you are in Canada. It would probably help if
> you were more specific than that, so some of our Canadian members can advise
> you on teachers and suppliers. having taught myself many other crafts from
> books, I do feel that bobbin lace making needs a teacher or mentor - at
> least to start off with if at all possible.

Yes, I'm self taught in most crafts, too.... I live in a very
uncraftfriendly town... We are losing three of our craft stores all in
a short time frame... Not sure if it came up on this list yet (haven't
read ALL the messages since joining,) but Lewiscraft across Canada is
closing, then another local yarn store is going the end of this month,
and another yarn store will be gone the end of winter... A look
through our phone book under various headings yields little or no

Anyway, I'm in Winnipeg, Manitoba....

> Sue Babbs
> (an Englishwoman living in Chicago)

Cool.... My family came from Manchester.... I'm first generation Canadian....

Anne C.
Crafting is my passion, Cats are my obsession!

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