Regina, i do agree it is a beautiful design, we saw the original artwork for it last night. Earthy colours etc.

Will keep the group posted, I expect there will be much hilarity at our first design meeting this coming Friday, we all had the giggles last night when we realised we got wind turbines and not horses' hoofs as had been suggested earlier. The use of wind turbines is a highly contentious one here in the highlands and I was glad to see laughs and not snorts of derision when the wind turbines were first mentioned.

I will have to go and see the highland quiters - what a typo to make!!!



How absolutely beautiful - what a gorgeous design! I would love to see it completed. Can you post photos and keep us in touch with your progress?

Don't feel bad about being renamed Highland Lacers - there's another group listed there called the "Highland Quiters" and that would be worse. I hope they don't live up to their name, or the work will never be complete ;-)

Regina Haring

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