On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 03:08:46PM +0200, Jenny De Angelis wrote:

> I found this from the Washington Post, a series of photos from the Queen 
> tour and amongst these photos are a few showing the jacket collar and cuffs 
> and the hat but obviously not clearly enought to see what sort of lace 
> exactly it is, but very like point ground I think.
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/gallery/070503/GAL-07May03-73159/index.html

Looking at number 15 in the Washington Post gallery, I think I see a bit
too much texture to the edges of her cuffs and collar for it to be plain
point ground lace.  Look closely at the shadows on the cuff - doesn't it
look like a textured braid has been applied to the edge?  Or am I imagining


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