Hi Jacqui

Sorry, I don't know an answer to your question, but I think that linear enlargement/reduction is more usual nowadays, though I do remember having it the other way around in the past

'Linear' enlargement/reduction on a photocopier seems to be pretty standard.
141% enlargement is A4 -> A3 which is double the area.
1.41 x 1.41 = 2 - ie double the area
71% is A4 -> A5
0.71 x 0.71 = 0.5 - ie half the area.

I've just been playing with my scanner (HP Scanjet 3570c) and Photoshop Elements.
Using Canon i560 printer and MacOSX and scanned a ruler.

Scanning at 72dpi and printing directly gave 100% size
Scanning at 200dpi and printing directly gave about 270% length and width increase (linear)

Taking either image into Photoshop Elements and resizing the image by 200% doubled both length and width. Printing original image at twice the original height (keeping proportions locked) doubled both length and width.
Printing either image at 50% halved both length and width.

Conclusion - Photoshop Elements2 on my system enlarges/reduces in the same way as photiocopers, ie by length, not by area.


As a matter of interest, is there any way to tell "at a glance" which sort of
enlargement any particular photocopier does?

Am I reading your post right to think that if I enlarge directly through the photocopy facility of my scanner it will be linear, but if I scan it first then use the computer to enlarge it, it's area. Or is it not as black and white
as that?

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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