Gentle Spiders,

My OIDFA Bulletin arrived today and in it a pattern for a really lovely, 3-D (accordion-folded), star. Just what my tree is missing, so I want to make it (the sooner the better; hopefully, I can still add it this year <g>). But. The evil question of terminology rides again...

1) The author of the pattern is German (Anneliese Schröder). When she says "linen 40/2", which brand is she likely to be using? Not all 40//2 are of the same thickness...

2) Most of the star is made in half stitch -- no problem there. But some bits are to be made in "whole stitch". Which "whole stitch" is it; the English (CTC), or the non-English (CTCT)? The French translation of the same bit says "toile". My French is non-existent but, doesn't "toile" mean "cloth stitch", ie CTC? Which would make it the "English whole stitch". Could someone with French confirm, please?
Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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