Very interesting. What year does this event take place in?

-----Original Message-----
From: pene piip <>
To: Arachne Arachne <>
Sent: Thu, Aug 6, 2009 9:42 am
Subject: [lace] Lace in Literature

Last year DH & I watched the TV Mini-series titled "Casanova" which stars
David Tennant & Peter O'Toole as the lead character. 
I was intrigued about his memoirs & found that the Tartu Public Library had
all 6 books as English translations by Arthur Machen. Since discovering these
big books I've been reading them (to DH at bedtime) & I am reading Volume 4 at
In Chapter XVII on page 464, I read this passage: 
"Agatha had no dress that was good enough, so I charged Madame Dupré to
provide one at my expense, and I was well served. It is well known that when
this sort of people dip their fingers into other people's purses they are not
sparing, but that was just what I wanted. Agatha promised to dance all the
quadrilles with me, and to return to Turin with Madame Dupré. 
On the day fixed for the ball I stayed to dinner at the Dupré's to be present
at Agatha's toilette. Her dress was a rich and newly-made Lyon silk, and the
trimming was an exquisite Alençon point lace, of which the girl did not know
the value. Madame R------, who had arranged the dress, and Madame Dupré, had
received instructions to say nothing about it to her." 
I've come across other references to lace in previous volumes but this w
as the first time the type of lace was mentioned. 
Pene in Tartu, Estonia 
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