Last night I finished reading Volume 4 of Casanova's Memoirs.
On page 634 there was another reference to lace.

"When I awoke the next morning I wrote to Zenobia to buy three dresses of the finest Lyons silk for three young ladies of rank. I sent the necessary measurements, and instructions as to the trimming. The Countess Ambrose's dress was to be white satin with a rich border of Valenciennes lace."

On page 642 when the Countess is wearing the dress that Casanova designed, she says: "But what a beautiful piece of trimming! It is worth four times as much as the dress itself."

Now I have to return this book to the library & check out the next volume.
I had also checked out a DVD of Thomas Hardy's "Far from the Madding Crowd" which was a delight to watch. I loved the lace collar on the black dress that Bathsheba wore to the Christmas party.

Warm regards,
Pene in Tartu, Estonia

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