Hello all...
In the past we had on vehicle and DH had a need for gas (chainsaw, generator, etc.) We found that if the cans were set into large trash/lawn litter bags and tightly closed it prevented spills and fumes from creating problems. This law was made from the begining as petroleum products, even in small quantities give me a sick headache!

Linda, the string-a-holic in Oregon where I definately NOT looking forward to the next several days of high 90's and low 100's - even if I did grow up in Phoenix!

In answer to a couple people...No, I didn't divorce him. But the gas can is forbidden from my trunk from now on. Also, he has to get a NEW can with a lid that fastens tightly. And he'll have to hold it when it's transported....because as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, he'll run out of gas again.

Alice in Oregon -- facing a record high temp day today and hoping to stay inside more of the time.

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