The "Thread Clamp" is what our list (Arachne) originally called, "Clay's Tool", because I had discovered the swivel-hackle in a tie-flying shop and adopted it to use on the pillow, and shared my find with the list. I took one of the swivel-hackles to Richard and asked him to put a bobbin end on it (suggesting this was a good way to use the bobbins that broke at the neck). This was many years ago, and Richard has been selling them ever since! Now, Ken van Dierin is also making them, and there may be a few more who have adopted the idea. I'm pleased that my simple "repurposing" of a good tool has been so popular with fellow lacemakers, and that these talented bobbin-turners can make them more elegant on our pillows!

My favorite part of the Arachne story was that someone asked, "If I order Clay's tool, will Clay come with it?", not realizing, of course, that I was female! ; )


Clay Blackwell
Lynchburg, VA, USA

On 10/8/2010 2:40 PM, Janice Blair wrote:

I have been collecting fancy hackle pliers and love the ones made by Richard
Worthen.  I usually try to buy them when he is at conventions.  I have seen his
work on www.Etsy under bobbin lace and he calls them a Thread Clamp.  No
connections, just a happy customer.


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