Hi Arachnids,

I belief that Church Meadow craft has taken over the pillow production from SMP a couple of years ago. Sheila and Russell (who own SMP) certainly referred me to them when I wanted some new blocks for a block pillow. The last people I have seen with the Hornsby type pillows are Mainly Lace -I don't know if they bought up the last of the Hornsby stock or the moulds to make the pillows-. You should only need to buy the poly part as the cover can be moved from one to the next. Lastly, horse-blankets can also be used for the 'in between' layer -twix poly and cotton cover-.

Both Church Meadow Craft and Mainly Lace are in the UK and have websites www.churchmeadowcrafts.com & www.mainlylace.co.uk. The latter certainly seems to sell domed but uncovered pillows

Happy lace making, Joepie, East Sussex, UK

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