I have had people who do extremely complex things themselves (just not
lace) come up and say that too me.  A lot of times, the people who tell me
that are men who do extremely complex things like chain mail or other metal
work.  When I point out how much patience they have for their passion, they
say something about how they feel the need to throw their thing against the

I respond with, "I do that too!  Only my needle lace will just go a few
feet before fluttering to the floor.  If it makes it to the tv, it won't do
any damage to it.  That's about the only difference between the patience I
have to do this, and the patience you have to do woodworking/metal
work/whatever big thing you do."  :)

Ob lace comment:  Right now I have nothing plotted out, but have two
projects I need to get done in a little over 2 weeks.  I'd best get a move

in sunny (today) Colorado, where the snow from the weekend is almost melted.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Nancy Neff <nnef...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> And there's always the comments we get "I'd never have the patience for
> that"--what I don't have the patience for is to clean my house!
> Nancy
> in
> Connecticut, where I'm cleaning the basement under threat of mold if I
> don't.

"It is sometimes the most fragile things that have the power to endure and
become sources of strength."
- May Sarton

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