"I do have a question - how many of us do more than one form of lace? "

Bobbin lace is my addition... and I have dabbled in many different varieties.  
I currently have projects going from 16th century Flanders to very modern 
patterns, so any type can appear on my pillows.

I've also dabbled in needlelace, knotted lace. and tambour lace.  I have no 
expertise in these but I understand the processes.  Tatting was briefly 
attempted but I never practiced, so my skill is nil.

Before bobbin lace was discovered, I had done all kinds of decorative sewing 
including a form of freemotion lace on a machine.  I also learned to crochet 
and embroider as a young child, and taught myself knitting as a young adult.  I 
had to give these up for many years because of finger problems but have taken 
them up again recently when my fingers no longer hurt.  There's a lovely 
knitted lace shawl on my 'to do' list.  Someday.

Bring along another type of lace and I may give it a try.  I just like to 
create things with my own hands.

Alice in Oregon .. where we are supposed to have a warm, dry Easter weekend.  
That's almost unheard of here. Meanwhile, it's gray and damp.

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