There are some who described doing things to get lace prickings and such on their kindle. For those who have that or a similar device, do you, or would you use your device when you make lace? Would you read your lace books on such a device if available? How difficult is it to take the paper copy of the pricking or diagram and put it on the kindle/device? Or vice versa, kindle/device to paper pricking. Would something like a kindle or other device fit comfortably on a pillow?

In other words, this technology as it is now comprised, does it have a place for lacemakers? Or do we need to wait for that. Is this another way to ensure lace books do not go out of print, but that the royalties go to the authors of such books, and not astronomical prices when the book is out of the authors hands and very rare but in high demand? Obviously I do not have such a device, but I sure would like to know if we need to send a message to our lace book authors.

And, how difficult would it be to turn a popular but out of print lacebook into a kindle/device edition? Could you get a pricking from such a version?

Lyn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, where it's now very pleasant and warm. 81F 24.5C at 3 p.m.
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