I have been away and therefore not followed all of this conversation. Can I ask a question please?

Is it not possible to put these books into pdf format and accept payment sending them via the internet and then the individual lacemaker could print off as much or as little as they like. That way you have control of the book matter and the prices without having to individually print out and bind each book or all of the other options mentioned. Or am I simplifying this too much?
Sue T

----- Original Message ----- From: "Alex Stillwell" <alexstillw...@talktalk.net>
Subject: [lace] out of print book>
I have persued Print-on demand but they were definitely not interested. Their
requirements for the format of the pdfs was so unusual that none of my
works for a Print on demand company and they would be interested please
contact me.
Good morning Alex

I read with interest your email about re-printing your Torchon book and the
fact that you have abandoned the idea having tried for over a year etc.  I
too have been looking once again into the possibility of re-printing my book
on Needlelace as I am appalled and horrified at the exorbitant prices being
asked for second-hand copies by out of print booksellers, whilst I sit here
and watch them do it!  Clearly there is a demand for it and I hate to see
lacemakers being 'ripped off ' by these sellers whilst there is nothing I
can do about it!  I appreciate that they provide an invaluable service but
these prices are obscene!
Many thanks
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