Our British lace friends are far too modest about the riches they have  
created, so I'll toot a horn for them - again.  (I note they do have  an 
"Introduction to Milanese Lace" by Pat Read for sale for 6 British  pounds.)
As the owner of over 1,000 lace books I know devils will try to price  them 
out of reach.  These are probably lazy guys sitting at home in their  
underwear and playing book dealer, even when they don't have a book in  stock.  
They price the book high, so they can then go and buy the book from  another 
source at a lower price - to fill your order and pocket the  difference.  
Here is a first-rate suggestion:
Jean Leader announced March 26th - on Arachne - the "used book" sale  at 
The Lace Guild in England, as follows: 
https://www.laceguild.org/suppliers/books.html - just click on Books for  
Sale for the PDF file.

Though used Milanese books by Read are  not in this installment, I have 
filled in many gaps in my lace  library by purchasing in this way.  Go and have 
a look.  You'll  be surprised what has been donated by members - to be put 
back in  circulation.  The Lace Guild raises money, and you buy used books 
at fair  prices.  They have an office with paid staff, and a small museum -  
dependent on dues and funds raised.  
AT&T callers from U.S. should dial 011 + 44 - 1384  390739   Immediately 
tell the person who answers that you are calling  from the U.S., so you won't 
be put on "hold".
We never know when the Monday "bank holidays" are, so call other days of  
the week.  I get a lift from a cheery British-accented greeting that is  well 
worth the cost of the call.  I order the books I want and give my  credit 
info over the phone (which I consider the safest way).  Please  remember the 
British Isles are 5 hours ahead of New York City Time.  I aim  for 10-11 
a.m. British time. 
Read the entire offering of Guild products on-line so you  understand the 
prices.  Make a neat list to read from, that you will  e-mail with your 
mailing address - to confirm.  Pre-order  calendars for 2017, and solve some 
Christmas shopping challenges.   Join The Lace Guild, and you will love the 
Quarterly Bulletins and the  contents - all submitted by volunteers.  The 
Bulletins are 64 pages, packed  with color photography.  Do not compare cost to 
IOLI memberships  without taking this into account.  Yes, postage is high.  
Blame it on  9/11/01 and the added security measures required of postal 
authorities all  over the world.
Pegin:  Have you checked what Louise Colgan has published about  Milanese 
Lace?  She teaches nationally - all over the U.S. 
Everyone still with me?   In lace friendship 
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

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