Alice – I remember you wearing lappets at one (or 2) of the IOLI
conventions.  I seem to remember you had a different one from your collection,
each day!  Everyone was looking out for you to see what you were wearing that
day – lace-wise!!
Next Convention I went to, I wore my Beds Dress Cap (featured on the cover of
Barbara Underwood’s, Beds Lace book!)  I did mine in navy polycotton – I)
I have white hair, so a white lace cap would not show up – navy shows up
well!!!, and 2) Polycotton, although rotten to work with, at least never
creases, - so I can haul it out of my bag, or suitcase, and it is ‘ready to
I then made a mauve cap working from the same outline/shape, but in Knotted
lace!  The 3 tails at the back were a challenge for me – so it was a good
learning piece!!!
I must bring them along – if we can organize our trip over there again this

I worked the neck tie from Mincroff & Marriage book and it always gets nice
remarks, and last year I saw it made in pale colours – multi-coloured, and
it was Stunning.  A lot is the shape of the ends – I think it may have
originally been lappet ends.

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz, where we have been having a heat wave.

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