W dniu 2014-04-09 16:31, Daniel Naber pisze:
> On 2014-04-09 09:44, Marcin Miłkowski wrote:
>> So I'm not sure what is the problem. Basically, the number of <wd>
>> elements have to correspond to the number of tokens inside the <marker>
>> element. And that's it.
> It's working now in the sense that the tests work and one English
> example rule (CONFUSION_OF_OUR_OUT) use the new tags.
> Now how exactly do we map the Penn Tagset to the new structure? Here's
> the current mapping with a lot of TODOs, let me know if you have an idea
> how to get it right:
> https://github.com/languagetool-org/languagetool/blob/readable-pos-tags/languagetool-language-modules/en/src/main/java/org/languagetool/tagging/en/EnglishTagger.java
> Also, have you used namespaces on attributes in XSD? If so, could you
> provide a small example on how to write the XSD so that <token
> en:tense="simple_past"/> can be validated?

No, but Dave Pawson is XML expert. I guess he will be happy to help.


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