Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill:

The guy who wrote this thing is way out there on another planet or

He has come up with this idea that there is a CIA type of group who goes
around killing anyone who hurts the president.  They are there strictly
to protect him no matter what.

But then in the middle of the book he changes it around to say that they
could also be there to help out Starr by killing these people and thus
adding suspicion on to the President.

It sounded like something that I would overlook on the book shelf that
is for sure. <BG>

You are right about one thing though, money can be made off of anything.

I just wonder how many people actually believe this crap.

> HI Sue,
> Wow...a book.  So this guy can not only get the political benefits of
> spreading crap like this, he can also get money from others who like to
> read about it and use it to support THEIR crazy ideas.  What a country!!
> Bill

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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