Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Oh, oh Doc

The news media will go wild as will some of the "quick to accuse"


DocCec wrote:

> DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated 98-03-10 05:45:35 EST, you write:
> << But isn't McDougal the witness that had a lot of
>  baggage besides the "copping" of a plea to reduce his sentence??  It is
>  ironic that his death did occur when it did--just goes to show you why some
>  people believe so strongly in conspiracy theories and how there is always
>  some truth that gets exaggerated.  >>
> And now, with the news that he was in solitary confinement at the time, the
> waves are definitely getting higher.  Official explanation is he refused to
> give a urine sample for a drug test -- his attorneys say that because of his
> medications he found it hard or impossible to produce a sample on demand.  The
> plot thickens.........
> Doc
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