[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Crime went down in a lot of other areas that did not legalize guns.  I
wonder how they explain that one. :)  Let's face it.  We have the highest
number of guns per capita than most any other country in the world.  And
our crime rate (particularly the murder rate) is one of the highest in
the world.  Especially when you consider crimes committed by citizens
against fellow citizens.

IMO, anyone who argues that these two things are not related is simply
kidding themselves.  I'm not saying that total gun control or a ban on
gun ownership should be enacted.  But I DO think some common sense
controls need to be in place.  Many of them have been enacted already,
but typically due to the effects of a strong gun lobby, the legislation
is so watered down by the time it is passed that it has little or no

Until we wake up to the real problem we will continue to have incidents
like the one in Jonesboro, IMO.


On Mon, 30 Mar 1998 17:51:48 -0500 Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Kathy E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Most likely they'll say it's a coincidence or a fluke. Crime went down
>in Houston also when they legalized guns. Yet again people don't like
>acknowledging that. 
>Ronald Helm wrote:
>> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Kennesaw, Georgia:  having passed a city ordinance requiring every
>> >household to own a gun, the town saw a 70% drop in violent crime 
>> >twelve months, and has not had a single rape or murder since 1984.  
>> >the words of the study, citizen gun ownership makes "crime. . .a 
>> >business indeed!"
>> How do the liberal gun-control advocates argue with the statistics?
>> Ron
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