Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

William J. Foristal wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
> Hi Jackie,
> Wow, I bet that's a great story!  You danced for your students?  How did
> that come about.  Got any pictures?
> Mathau and Lemon are a classic team.  I thought Tony Randall and Jack
> Klugman did a nice job with the TV version of The Odd Couple, but they
> couldn't touch Mathau and Lemon, IMO.
> Bill
> Hi Bill

I guess I am like Rodney Dangerfield--no respect from "all my children"
(teehee).  It was one of those near collisions and I simply stepped back and
asked the students if they were trying to dance with me.  Then I simply
started doing one of the new dances (arm motions and all) and the students
cracked up.  They are used to me though and haven't yet called the "men in
white" <VBG>.  No pictures, I don't think.  Oh lord, I had better check the
school paper when it comes out : )


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