[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Jackie,

LOL...you can wield that axe of cynicism pretty good.  There was a great
political cartoon in the paper.  It showed two teachers at an inner city
school expressing gratitude that they finally got computers so the
students could surf the web.  But then they discovered that there were no
power outlets in the rooms. :)


On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 04:27:43 -0600 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Bill
>LOL!  You might know, I forgot the main point of spending money on 
>investigations--wealth and fame for some.  Here all along I believed 
>these investigations were done in the interests of the people in our
>country as those raking in the dollars and getting their faces 
>all over tv have been telling me--how silly of me.  But, then think of 
>benefits we all gain from these costly investigations--some can live 
>horrendous conditions (which isn't immoral, right) , but they  can go 
>sleep at night feeling good that our country is being run by a moral
>President.  So those who live in poverty can be thankful that there 
>guardian angels from the other side looking out for their good.   
>all, what's a few million among friends for such a noble cause.  Ooh, 
>little cynical this morning, I guess.


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