DocCec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

In a message dated 98-03-10 18:11:10 EST, you write:

<< I know that it is not only poor sanitary conditions.  Some have pointed out
 that when you consider the housing in general in some areas there are broken
 or cracked windows, inadequate heating and/or ventilation.  So much can
 affect a young child.  Think what that millions and millions being spent on
 you know what could accomplish.
 jackief >>

I look at our inner city areas and I see all that plus the lack of
adequate/safe play areas, overcrowding, insect infestations, poor schools,
stores that sell spoiled food taken from suburban store shelves, and the every
present danger.  Day before yesterday a ten year old girl was shot on the
street near her home. Ho-hum, no big deal, he "didn't mean to" shoot her, she
just got caught in the crossfire.  Living that way has to have a negative
effect, not matter how much one may be "used to it."

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