Hi Sue,

(I have no idea if Nixon beat his wife or not per the title of this thread.)

But responding to your question, if history has any meaning the bad as well
as the good needs to be known.  In the future people will deny they knew
about the corruption in this administration just as people closed their eyes
to that in the Kennedy administration.  Once when Kennedy was asked about
the unfairness of the draft, he said, "Life isn't fair."  When life got a
little fairer and the sons of the well-to-do were finally threatened by the
draft, the awful war in Vietnam Kennedy was most responsible for ended.  The
loss of 50,000 young American men in Vietnam isn't unrelated to Kennedy's
contempt for the lower classes as well as for the women he used like

Often innocents get hurt but Caroline and John Kennedy, Jr. are adults and
are not implicated in any way in their father's actions.  

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hi Doc:
>What I don't understand about these stories is what good do they do. 
>The people who they are written about are dead, and can't defend
>themselves.  And the children such as John Jr. Caroline, (his Kennedy
>book)  Trisha, and Julie are still alive to be hurt by them.
>Certainly they aren't a part of the history that we need to know.  
>> Would it were still so.
>> Doc
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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