Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bill, Sue, et al

Now that Paula Jones has been removed as the right wing wacko's political
puppet, Monica is the perfect replacement.  Starr and the rest of them will
get all the mileage they can outa her.


At 12:13 PM 4/6/1998 EDT, you wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
>Hi Sue,
>Clearly Starr has no case against Lewinsky unless he can get
>corroborating evidence to show that she DID have sex with Clinton and
>that Clinton told her to lie about it.  Her affadavit given under oath
>states that she did not have sex with Clinton. All she has to testify in
>defense of any indictment is that her statements to Tripp amounted to an
>immature woman's bragging to a person who loved gossip and made a great
>audience by reacting with wide eyes and open mouth.  There is no crime in
>bragging to someone an lying when not under oath.  So to indict her would
>be more ridiculous than what Starr has done already.
>IMO, based on what the public has been told, no indictments will be
>forthcoming and Starr will send his report to Congress and that will be
>the end of it.  The lawyers get rich and the taxpayers get a bit poorer.
>On Sun, 05 Apr 1998 13:39:30 -0700 Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Hi Bill:
>>I have been listening to the news shows, and MSNBC all morning, and 
>>pretty much say the same thing that you do.  Even the republican
>>senators that have been on the shows.  They want Starr to come out and
>>say that he plans to end this thing within the next couple of months,
>>and either indict someone or send it to congress.  All of them seem to
>>think however that if Starr were to indict Monica the public would
>>really get upset.  Most want it sent to congress and be over with.
>>> HI Sue,
>>> The thing that will finally end Starr's witch hunt is the thing that
>>> started it all, with respect to Starr being appointed.  That is the
>>> political machinations of the right wing conspiracy group.  These 
>>are the
>>> same people that jumped all over Starr when he dared to try to 
>>resign and
>>> go to Pepperdine.  And the same people who directed him to jump on 
>>> Lewinsky case when that occurred.
>>> Now that the Jones case is dismissed and even Newt Gingrich is 
>>> Clinton for his courage, I think we'll see a quick wrap up and a 
>>> going to Congress where the committee will conclude that no further
>>> action is required.  For political reasons they may offer a 
>>> censure of the president.
>>> And after all of this dims in the memory of people historians will 
>>> Clinton down as one of the finest presidents in the 20th century and 
>>> man who led the economy out of the Reagan/Bush dark ages and into 
>>> sunlight of a Dow Jones index that breaks the 10,000 mark.
>>> Bill
>>Two rules in life:
>>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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