[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Len,

I agree that they'll get all the mileage out of her that they can, but I
don't think Starr will go so far as to indict her.  And even if Lewinsky
gets immunity and changes her story and claims that she DID have sex with
Clinton and he DID ask her to lie about it, it would still not be enough
for an indictment or impeachment of Clinton.  What they've created in
this supposed case against Clinton is a series of allegations where no
allegation is backed up by any corroborating evidence.


On Wed, 08 Apr 1998 00:20:10 -0700 Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Leonard Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Bill, Sue, et al
>Now that Paula Jones has been removed as the right wing wacko's 
>puppet, Monica is the perfect replacement.  Starr and the rest of them 
>get all the mileage they can outa her.

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