Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Kathy:

I just saw something on the 11 o'clock news that may answer what is
going on here.  This guy has been in a "slump" for the past few years,
and tonight he left his "home" for the first time since his arrest with
news photographers following him in mass.  Running red lights, stop
signs the whole bit.  Nightline is doing a special on him next
week....need I say more.

> Every report I have read they have made sure to say he never solicited
> anyone, I'm not sure why anyone is even talking about that on here since
> it's been said over and over again he wasn't doing that. What he was
> doing was masturbating in a public rest room. Not to smart, now people
> could try to argue he was alone, well what are the chances of remaining
> alone in a public bathroom? Not very good.
> He had a mansion less than a mile from the park, sounds like he was
> getting in some adventure and thrills and got caught.
> To look at this in a different light, how many would be so indifferent
> if it had been two little kids that had walked in on him instead of a
> cop? Would you still think it was okay? I don't, and I don't think him
> doing it in a public building where he has no control of who is going to
> walk in is okay either.
> Bottom line he was out to get a cheap thrill, but it's cost him more
> than he ever expected it would.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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