Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Dr. L.:

I'm not too good at doing that, but maybe we could get Kathy to do it. 
She is wonderful when it comes to those sorts of things.

I was impressed with this woman.  I still haven't taken her word as
being the absolute truth, but I can't discount her either.

She sounded very sincere, and her story did sound very plausible, IMO. 
And she certainly didn't fit the image that we have been having of these
women who are telling these stories.  She was more mature, and came
across as not the kind of woman who would be soliciting sexual advances. 

Someone here is lying, and the problem now is to find out which one.  If
it is the President then he should step down, and let the country get
back to what it should be doing.  I just don't know how we are ever
going to find out who it is though that is lying.  :(

It certainly was a bad day for Clinton, that is for sure.  His own
Friday the 13th.

One thing that I did notice about Ms. Willey, she mentioned that her
husband was in real financial problems because he had stolen money from
some of his clients.  This was a similar problem that Susan McDougal
had.  What is it with these people that the President was friends with
anyway.  Are they all a bunch of crooks? 

Also another thing that came up was that the Presidents lawyer said that
when Ms. Willey came to the WH that day, she was upset because she had
no idea where her husband was.  *She* said that while she was at the WH
her husband committed suicide.  Those two stories sort of go together,


> Hi - I missed it; could you sum up the 60 minutes program along with
> which of the several women were interviewed? Thanks a lot, ") LDMF.

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