[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Wed, 6 May 1998 15:53:14 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>WASHINGTON--The scientific process
>>has given birth to many medical miracles
>>over the years. But sometimes it can be a cruel
>>As a result of a New York Times story Sunday trumpeting news
>>that two chemicals discovered by a Boston researcher can cure
>>cancer in mice, oncologists across the country have been
>>overwhelmed by patients seeking this remarkable new therapy. 
>>Scientists themselves question the process. 
>>"It's really too bad that we make these sorts of announcements,"
>>McGinnis said. "It's great for the public in general, great for the
>>stock market--but for the cancer patient with only six months to
>>live, it's unbelievably cruel." 
>>Cimons reported from Washington, Getlin from New York and
>>Maugh from Los Angeles. 
>Gee whiz.  Don't these lying, ignorant idiots know like Mac and Bill 
>"leaders in this field" have found that we have a breakthrough?

I think the lying, ignorant idiots thought it was all a hoax. ;)  But I
DO think they should fast track these things and even give people who
only have six months to live the opportunity to take the drug in spite of
the fact it has not passed through the NDA process.  They could be part
of the Phase I clinical studies.  By the time these things move through
the beaurocracy it's too late for the people who don't have the time to
wait for the NDA approval.

No one ever contested this points.  The only point contested was that
this was a cruel hoax.  So far, only one person had attempted to defend
this position.

Too bad there's no cure for lying, ignorant idiots.  


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