moonshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ronald Helm wrote:

> "Ronald Helm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> "The widespread reactions from patients have raised questions
> about how the media report word of preliminary medical advances.
> Those questions were deepened in the current case by confirmation
> from several publishing houses that the New York Times reporter
> whose story kicked off the current fever had circulated a book
> proposal about the alleged cancer cure--only to withdraw it
> Tuesday. "
> It sounds to me as if two soldiers in their bunkers, should think about
> eating a little crow and apologizing to Terry Hallinan.  The critics of the
> media even use the world cruel, but since cruel is an adjective, hoax may be
> implied. The hoax was not from the researchers, but from the media...a
> deliberate attempt to deceive.  Ron

Afternoon,    I guess the American Cancer Society are nothing but a bunch of fools. 
only telling the side of the story that supports Terry's position. It seems like the 
hyped the story ( which I have already stated) but the fact remains that these drugs 
promise and that is the issue. You have both taken a very low road in your vain 
attempt at
trying to show myself and Bill up. It was not unexpected. I'll let the whole story 
on it's own merit.
You, Ron Helm are such a hypocrite. You acknowledged the breakthrough in this area and 
turn and dismiss for the sake of arguement. You, of all people should be ashamed of
yourself. You are a disgrace to your profession.



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