>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hi Bill:
>I wonder seriously how she is going to explain her spread in Penthouse. 
>Although I guess that wouldn't be considered the sex act, she is in
>there having sex with her boyfriend.  


And how would you explain pictures taken of you by a boyfriend, Sue?  I
thought that was her former husband but I suppose it matters little today.

I fail to see why you would look down your nose at Paula Jones for that.  

Geez this woman has had to suffer some terrible insults for nothing.  She
raised money early on by doing an advertisement for Guess Jeans.  That was
the outfit that specialized in women involved in scandal like Paula Rice,
Gary Hart's playmate.  One could make something of that, I suppose, but
pictures sold by a boyfriend?

Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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