Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> >Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >Hi Bill:
> >
> >I wonder seriously how she is going to explain her spread in Penthouse.
> >Although I guess that wouldn't be considered the sex act, she is in
> >there having sex with her boyfriend.
> >Sue
> And how would you explain pictures taken of you by a boyfriend, Sue?  I
> thought that was her former husband but I suppose it matters little today.
> I fail to see why you would look down your nose at Paula Jones for that.
> Geez this woman has had to suffer some terrible insults for nothing.  She
> raised money early on by doing an advertisement for Guess Jeans.  That was
> the outfit that specialized in women involved in scandal like Paula Rice,
> Gary Hart's playmate.  One could make something of that, I suppose, but
> pictures sold by a boyfriend?

Then why isn't she suing the former husband for trauma caused by putting her
body on display to the world??  Or is she??


> Best,     Terry
> "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
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