
We use DCPCrypt in our projects. Compared to the latest download from
Lazarus CCR site, I have made the following changes.

* Split the one .lpk package into two. One that is runtime only and
  another which is design-time only. This allows DCPCrypt to be used
  with non-LCL based applications - which was previously not possible.

* I have also updated and tested DCPCrypt to work under 64bit FPC.
  I also made sure it can compile with FPC 2.4.0-rc1.
  Previously it did not compile for 64bit or FPC 2.4.0-rc1.

DCPCrypt is not in any repository, so my changes are local in a Git
repository. How should I proceed?

 * Add DCPCrypt to GitHub or SourceForge?

 * Simply email a new source archive so it can be made available
   for download from Lazarus CCR on SourceForge

 * Possibly convince somebody to add it as a new package in FCL
   in FPC repository.

 * Possibly convince somebody to add it to Lazarus repository like
   what was done with Turbo Power IPPro, AggPas etc.?

As I stated in a email some months ago. I don't mind maintaining
DCPCrypt because we use it for our commercial projects. I also don't
like the idea of *only* having source archives of DCPCrypt like in the
case of Lazarus CCR downloads, because we can't track any source code

I'm leaning to the idea of having it included in FCL, because it is very
usable in non-GUI applications as well. In fact, that is how we use it
currently, in CGI web applications. But I have no say in any of the FPC
or Lazarus repositories.

Any suggestions on what I should do with DCPCrypt and my fixes?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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