Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho schrieb:

The LCL, IDE and Win32 widgetset contain code that breaks Delphi compatible
drag-dock deliberately, for no obvious reason or benefit. It looks to me as
if none of the core developers understands the implementation and use of
dragging in general and drag-dock in detail. Postponing required fixes to
rev. 0.99 will make it almost impossible to support a dockable IDE any more,
due to the many breaks in the current IDE code.

Please create bug reports and point which exact revisions broke what.

The breaks are known for 0.9.30, where only docking itself is affected.

In the trunk IDE the IDEWindowIntf is so obscure, that I didn't succeed in finding clues. Currently the reported default window positions are almost Top=10, Left=0, Right=4, the Bottom is typically bigger. Since the docked extents are managed by the DockMaster, it looks as if the herefore required methods are no more called.


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