zel...@holobit.net schrieb:
Hi all,
As I've already mentioned few weeks ago on lazdevel, today we branched 1.0 :)

branch is here:

What's the update policy? I just updated examples/fpdocmanager, do I have to update the new branch, too? If so, what's the suggested procedure for updates that should go into both the branch(es) and trunk?

Which FPC version is suggested/assumed for 1.x?

wiki with revisions which have to be merged from trunk (also there will be links about other 1.0 stuff like changes etc):

What's the difference (in content)?

Current trunk version 0.9.31 is 1.1 as of r36507.

1.In next days snapshots will be versioned as 1.1
2.For testers:
svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/branches/fixes_1_0 lazarus
3.We are planning to release 1.0 in next 3 months, but before that we will
relese 1..XX RC candidates - you'll be informed about it.

Happy Lazarus 1.0 !

What's the future of dragging in 1.0? Will fixes (workarounds) be added to make the dockable IDE work? By conditional compilation, at least?


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